Amanda (Mandy) Hogan
Post-Graduate Certificate in Women's Health & Exercise Physiotherapy
Clinical Pilates Physiotherapist
Mindfulness Educator/ Tai Chi Qigong instructor
Manual Handling Consultant & Workplace Occupational Physiotherapist
I have comprehensive experience in managing patients with a whole person integrated approach in:
Clinical Pilates - I have spent many years dedicated to the prescription of individualised, functional exercise rehabilitation for patients with multi-factorial physical issues
Women’s Health - I give specific advice and evidence-based exercise in the management and recovery of pain & dysfunction
Mind-Body Health - I choose an integrated approach for relief of pain, stress & anxiety with meditation, Tai chi, and mindfulness strategies
Workplace Health & Safety - I deliver manual handling risk assessment and training programs, workplace wellness and promote a culture of emotional intelligence and mindfulness.
- She believes in seeing the big picture of physical and mental health combined. She has studied emotional intelligence and mindfulness and embodies these practices personally.
- She will endeavour to help people create change in themselves to give their life a more positive outlook. She thrives on watching people's faces glow when they see that they can make a change for the better.
- She will combine her observation skills with her problem-solving skills to help work with her patient on a life plan that is specific, relevant, and appropriately achievable.
- She believes everyone should be listened to compassionately without judgement. She will act in the very best interests of her patients.
Home-based Clinical Pilates
Exercise Rehabilitation
I aim to develop and progress exercise programs for improving and regaining your best physical ability, particularly in those areas of pain or dysfunction in spinal regions and shoulder / pelvic girdles. This includes the use of Pilates equipment for a home program specifically. Review of equipment-based programs can occur off-site by request.
Ageing Well
I appreciate the challenges of the ageing process and design exercise to improve and maintain your balance, strength and mobility. You will increase your confidence so you can stay safe, able and stable.
Women's Health
Women in the Childbearing Years
I will problem-solve the underlying causes of any back, hip pain or pelvic girdle pain related to pregnancy and childbirth. I value the necessity of safe exercise plans in pregnancy and preparation for labour, and will guide a return to optimal recovery and function postnatally. I advise in pelvic floor retraining (excluding internal examinations).
Women in Menopause
I have post-graduate studies in the field of bone-density specific exercise programs, and will ensure your exercise is safe, relevant and achievable. I have an understanding of the complexities of the menopause and postmenopause stages of life. Knowing this, I include pelvic floor exercise training, progressive graduated exercise programs for core stability, strength, balance and bone density management.
Mind-Body Health
Mental Well-Being
I am passionate about improving the mental health of our society and will address and work collaboratively with all people in decreasing stress and increasing emotional intelligence using mindfulness, Tai Chi for health and meditation approaches.
Persistent Pain
For those with longstanding pain and restricted functional ability, my endeavor is to help people create positive change in their lives. I will educate, support and guide a paced plan of safe, achievable exercise, and an awareness of the neuroscience in the ‘explain pain’ approach.
Occupational Physiotherapy
Workplace Assessment & Training
As an experienced occupational physiotherapist I am passionate about improving health and well-being in the workplace. I have worked with industrial, health and corporate communities for over 25 years, to develop a broad range of high-level consulting services and innovative risk management solutions that are customised to the requirements of each individual workplace.
I offer individuals and organisations my many years of expertise in manual handling risk assessment, ergonomic reviews and training programs. I deliver workshops in teaching the benefits of workplace wellness and promote a culture of emotional intelligence and mindfulness.