Meditation Practice - 
Make the time to simply be

Weekly sessions for attention-focus & breathing meditation practice

  • Practice breathing meditation
  • Train your mind with attention focus

Calm the breath, calm the body and calm the mind

Practice body scans & meditative breathing techniques:

  • to reduce the effect of stress
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • to observe thoughts without criticism
  • to be compassionate with yourself
  • to create the physiological relaxation response

Relaxation is your natural state when you stop creating tension

  • Meditation is considered to be the ‘body’s own natural way of coping with distress’. It is the formal practice of a different mental function.
  • Meditation is seen as a fitness program for the mind

Classes are led by Mandy Hogan, Physiotherapist and Mindfulness Educator

  • No experience is necessary.
  • Session times: Thursdays 5.150-6.15pm. Numbers are limited. Bookings essential
  • Book in Ph 0409577940.