Mindfulness for Well-being

These workshops or individual consultations will introduce you to stress management strategies with education on daily mindfulness tips, mindful movement & stretches, relaxation and meditative breathing techniques.

  • Make time to empower your own health
  • Relax your body with mindful awareness
  • Teach your brain to switch off tension and pain
  • Change your perspective on stress
  • Refresh your mind with meditation

With regular practice you can empower your health to feel the long term benefits of optimum well-being

We offer a mind and body program that will introduce you to stress relief strategies with an integration of mindfulness approaches into daily life. This comprehensive approach is taught and applied by a holistic physiotherapist aimed at achieving balance in physical and mental well-being. To assist with creating lifestyle change there is an education component that merges neuroscience research with mindfulness-based emotional intelligence principles. You will experience practices in meditation, mindful movement, relaxation and breathing techniques.

  • One on one consultations to tailor mindfulness to your individual situation. 
  • Half day Intensive Saturday or Sunday Workshops
    (4 hour duration)  
  • Simply Being Seasonal Day Retreats in NE Victoria 

Contact us for details and dates on the next upcoming retreat or workshop: amanda@hoganhealth.com.au

Or phone 0409577940 to make an individual appointment to see Mandy Hogan. 


Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Make time for You.
Because if it's not now......then when? 


-Refresh your mind with meditation
-Relax your body with mindful awareness
-Restore your sense of self with nurture and compassion

Date: TBC- enquiries welcome

Time: 9.00am-1.00pm

Theme: Mindfulness for Difficult situations & sensations

Location: Hogan Health Consulting, 1/24 Ford St, Wangaratta

Cost: $150 for half-day intensive Simply Being workshop. Refreshments included. Please notify if you have any dietary requirements.

Facilitator: Mandy Hogan, Women's Health Physiotherapist, Mindfulness Educator

Numbers are limited. Ph 0409 577 940 to book your place