Mindful Well-being
Enhance Health
Mindful companies know their direction, keep their best people, grow in innovation and find their potential.
Mindful well-being workshops can contribute to the well-being of your workers with:
- Attention-focus training
- Positive mind-set
- Emotional resilience
- Stress relief management
- Supportive thriving culture
Be amazed at the difference a little change can make…….
Mindfulness training has remarkable potential to deliver real benefits in in the workplace for:
- reducing stress and reactivity
- improving attention and focus
- promoting self-awareness
- facilitating communication
- creating a compassionate and positive culture
In summary, mindfulness can optimise emotional intelligence to enhance work performance.

Empowered Engaged Employees
Mindfulness in the Workplace Seminars:
For Empowered Healthy Workers: Seminar 2-4 hours
Topics explored include:
- The science behind mindfulness - Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence
- Managing worry and anxiety - Stress Management
- Keeping your cool under pressure - Reactive versus Responsive
This introduction session will offer some foundational mindfulness skills & practical strategies, including:
- body and breath relaxation techniques
- an introduction to mindfulness and an application to stress relief
- simple breath-based meditation practice
For an Engaged & Attentive Workplace: Seminar 2-4 hours
Topics explored include:
- Focusing and Engaging your Attention -Mindfulness Attention Training
- Listening instead of just hearing- Mindful listening & communication
- Challenge your negative thinking -Reframing conflict & difficult situations
This session will apply workplace-based mindfulness skills & practical strategies.
It will include:
- mindful listening skills
- developing positive mind-sets
- strategies for a compassionate thriving work culture
These skills can be immediately incorporated into work behaviour to relieve the perception of stress, and manage pressures of deadlines, colleague interactions and corporate expectations.
Facilitator: Mandy Hogan, Physiotherapist, Mindfulness Educator
Bookings essential - amanda@hoganhealth.com.au
Mindset in the Workplace
Mindfulness-based Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
8 session program (1.5 hours weekly or monthly).
This is an in-depth program aimed at cultural change within the workplace.
The program begins with a foundation in Mindfulness, “simply being present.” As the program progresses, it continues to deepen participants’ experience with mindfulness, and include more areas of mental, emotional, and social life. Participants learn about well-being and emotional management, intrapersonal skills, followed by interpersonal skills of empathy and intention in being with others.
Session Outline
- (1) Power of Presence: the fundamental role of mindfulness in being aware of ourselves moment by moment.
- (2) Well-being: how well-being is a skill that can be developed, with Resilience, Outlook, Attention, and Generosity.
- (3) The Root of Emotions: exploring with the body scan how emotions manifest as physiological sensations, and the value of being aware of our emotions, such as in responding to email.
- (4) Strong Emotions & Resilience: how to work with strong emotions, including the STOP Practice and the Acceptance Practice.
- (5) Having a Practice: the value of having a regular way to hone our intention, attention, and attitude.
- (6) Intention: noticing how we’re tugged around by our different mental activities, and the power of collecting our energies with an intention.
- (7) Connecting with Others: how we can be more empathetic by seeing similarities with others and offering the kindness.
- (8) Thrive & Flourish: pulling everything together, and setting a deep commitment to keep coming back to in your life.
(Facilitator Materials designed by Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, Google.)
Facilitator: Mandy Hogan, Physiotherapist, Mindfulness Educator
For more information email amanda@hoganhealth.com.au